
Nimbco Labs


Sometimes I find myself obsessing over what words to say. It feels like if I work long enough at tweaking the phrases and sentences, it will magically solve the problem. Often in software, you have a problem to solve but you’re working in a new language, or with a new API. A quick google to find the magic incantation which you copy and paste selectively, and you’re on to the next problem.

How I think about work

Following Min’an’s post yesterday, we wanted to make work a large part of our relationship. What this means for me is still something I constantly think about, but so far, it has revolved around reflecting on the kind of work I enjoyed and the kind of work I found to be drudgery. I. When I worked in large companies or with Min’an on our previous products, I did two things that I didn’t like upon reflection.

Where it begins

A few years ago when I was in between jobs, it was difficult to feel a sense of purpose and progress in the mundaneness of day to day life. To try and deal with this, I tried to come up with some kind of self-imposed deadline (ironic, since deadlines and work pressure had been something I was trying to get away from) as a way of effecting production. I set a target of starting and completing a new project every fortnight, imaginatively titled project-a-fortnight.